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»Campus Shuttle Services
Chapman University operates a shuttle service for faculty, staff, and students with valid Chapman ID.
Track the shuttles:
Shuttle tracking information also available by downloading Passio Go! app.
See below for schedule and route information.
- Refer to the information below and to the Passio Go! App for up-to-date shuttle information.
Shuttle Schedules:
Spring Shuttle Service for Chapman Court, Chapman Grand and Panther Village
- Red Route - Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 11:55 p.m.
- Chapman Court, Panther Village, Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Court on a continuous loop.
- Gold Route - Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 11:55 p.m.
- Chapman Grand, Panther Village, Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Grand on a continuous loop.
- Teal Route - Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 11:55 p.m. (last departure from Schmid)
- Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Court, Chapman Grand, Panther Village, Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
- Black Route - Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 11:55 p.m. (last departure from Schmid)
- Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Grand, Chapman Court, Panther Village, Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
- Weekend Route - Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Schmid Gate, Ralph's Shopping Center (on request when boarding), Panther Village, Chapman Grand, Chapman Court, Ralph's Shopping Center (on request when boarding), Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
*Eastbound shuttles can stop at Knott Studios; must request when boarding.
Parking Lot Service
Monday - Friday; See the Passio Go! App for shuttle location.
Passengers at Schmid Gate can request a ride on any shuttle, just notify the driver
upon boarding of the need to be dropped at the West Palm Industrial Stop.
Rinker Train Service
Monday - Friday; 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 5:35 p.m.
Shuttle Routes:
Chapman Grand Route: Chapman Grand and Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
Red Route: Chapman Court, Panther Village, Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Court on a continuous loop.
Gold Route: Chapman Grand, Panther Village, Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Grand on a continuous loop.
Teal Route: Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Court, Chapman Grand, Panther Village, Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
Black Route: Schmid Gate, Panther Village, Chapman Grand, Chapman Court, Panther Village, Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
Weekend Route: Schmid Gate, Ralph's Shopping Center (if requested when boarding), Panther Village, Chapman Grand, Chapman Court, Panther Village, Ralph's Shopping Center (if requested when boarding), Schmid Gate on a continuous loop.
Parking Lot Stops: West Palm Industrial, West Campus Structure, Train Depot and Schmid Gate. During service hours, shuttles will provide transportation on request to passengers waiting at these stops.
Rinker Train Shuttle Route: In the AM, the shuttle starts at the Irvine Train Depot and stops at the 9501 and 9401 Jeronimo buildings. In the PM, the shuttle starts at the 9501 Jeronimo building, then stops at the 9401 building before heading to the train depot. The shuttle runs on a continuous loop.
Shuttle Rider Guide
- Chapman ID Required to ride.
- Seat belts must be worn by all seated occupants. No standing unless instructed by the driver. Max standing capacity is 9 passengers.
- The use of cell phones or personal listening devices must be used in a way as to not disturb other passengers.
- The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited in the shuttles.
- The possession of alcoholic beverages, firearms, or illegal drugs is prohibited inside the shuttles.
- Cleats may not be worn in the shuttles.
- Food and/or beverages other than water may not be consumed in the shuttles.
- Trash, debris and personal belongings are to be removed at the conclusion of each ride.
- No animals, except service animals, are permitted in on the shuttles.
- The shuttle will only drop off or pick-up passengers at designated stops. Loading or unloading in non-designated stops must be approved by a supervisor. Picking up or dropping off in the street is not allowed.
- Shopping shuttle passengers are limited to what they can carry on-board in one trip. Bags must be able to be secured under the seat or on your lap.
- Standing passengers must be holding on to a support bar/strap. Driver will have to
stop the shuttle until all passengers are in compliance before proceeding.
- ID Card must be scanned on entry and exit of shuttle.
Thank you for your cooperation, from Parking and Transportation Services.
Anaheim Resort Transportation (ART)

Contact Us
Shuttle Questions?
Call: (714) 997-6560 or
Email: transportation@tuwabuki.com