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Office of Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit

»Office of Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit

Welcome to the Office of Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit. We provide services in distinct, yet related disciplines. Our purpose is to support the mission of Chapman University by:

  • Promoting a university-wide culture of compliance and ethics.
  • Providing an independent and objective process for monitoring and evaluating the reliability and integrity of financial and operating information as well as the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report such information.
  • Serving and safeguarding our community by recognizing risks in what we do and by managing those risks by communicating and educating our community to promote an awareness of compliance risk and the objective of our compliance activities.

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Institutional Compliance

Institutional Compliance strives to advance the ethical values and to promote conduct that assists the university in meeting its legal obligations.

Internal Audit

Internal Audit plans and performs risk-based audits, provides management and departments with timely internal control and policy guidance, and provides more specific, independent consultations per request.

How they Interact

How Internal Audit and Institutional Compliance Interact

Ethics Anonymous Reporting Helpline

Chapman University has contracted with an outside provider, Ethicspoint, Inc. to receive reports regarding concerns over financial irregularities (and similar ethics related matters).

For more information on when and how to report, refer to the Ethical Concerns Brochure.

Click below to file a report.