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»Chapman University’s Recruiting Policies and Guidelines
Chapman University is deeply committed to creating and sustaining an educational, working and living environment that is conducive to learning and scholarship and is supportive of students and employees. As such, our highest priority is ensuring that students, alumni and employers enjoy an equitable and successful recruiting environment. Behavior by any participant found to be unlawful, inappropriate or in violation of applicable policies will result in an immediate, temporary or permanent ban from any or all of our recruiting services. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse service if an organization or employer has any unresolved investigations, complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau, California Secretary of State, State Bar of any state or any other licensing or governing body or for any inappropriate or egregious behavior as determined by the Chapman University’s Office of Career and Professional Development (CPD). These penalties, which include the removal of job postings, can be invoked at any time, with or without explanation. Our guidelines for defining illegal and inappropriate behavior are the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines, the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice and the policies and guidelines on this page. Questions regarding our policies and guidelines can be directed to the Employer Engagement Team.
The CPD reserves the right to decline any employer or job posting at its sole discretion with or without explanation.
Chapman University’s Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Chapman University is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic global community. Visit Chapman University’s Title IX page to access the University's complete policies regarding harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Chapman University and the CPD firmly expect employers that interview or hire Chapman University students, mentors who work with the Chapman University community and those who otherwise engage with our students will observe such policies. Use of the CPD’s resources, including Handshake, and use of the University’s facilities by any employer constitute a representation by the employer that its employment practices are in accord with Chapman University's policies regarding harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. A limited exception to this policy exists for military recruiters and federal agencies but only insofar as their employment and hiring practices are permitted under federal law.
On-Campus or Virtual Recruiting Requirement
All organizations participating in any on-campus or virtual recruiting programs through the CPD, including career fairs and the on-campus recruiting program, must be actively recruiting for paid opportunities, such as full-time salaried positions or paid, structured internship opportunities. Without exception, we expect all organizations to adhere to the U.S. Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act with wages and compensation. Organizations not adhering to these guidelines will not be able to participate in on-campus or virtual recruiting events or post opportunities in Handshake. Positions that are solely based on commission with no base pay are not permitted.
Job Offer Policies and Guidelines
Employers are responsible for all representations and offers made to students by their recruiters. When making an employment offer, students need to be notified in writing, including salary, location, benefits and starting date.
Students should be given sufficient time to make an informed decision regarding the offers they receive. Listed below are the time frame minimums which the CPD expects employers to offer students:
Two weeks from the receipt of the written offer.
Two weeks from the receipt of the written offer.
When extending an offer at the end of a student’s summer program/internship, we recommend
that employers give the student until October 1 to accept an offer.
We advise that recruiters neither pressure students to accept offers in less time than indicated above, nor attach bonuses that expire if the offer is not immediately accepted.
Additionally, we discourage recruiters from pursuing students who have already accepted job offers from another organization. We also recommend that employers respect the commitment students have for their academics as well as any previously scheduled interviews with other organizations.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
We expect all employers, alumni, mentors and other community members who engage with our students to adhere to Federal, State and local law. The following are prohibited activities on campus under the Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Regulations: (a) providing alcoholic beverages to individuals under 21 or possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by individuals under 21 and (b) distribution, possession or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances. In addition, the Student Conduct Code prohibits the abuse of alcohol and other drugs by students, regardless of age and of location (on-campus or off-campus). Any organization that does not comply with the above or allows any of the above activities to take place will no longer be eligible to participate in any CPD events, programs or services.
Cannabis Recruiting Policy
Chapman University adheres to federal law regarding marijuana. Employers that use, grow, produce or distribute recreational or medicinal marijuana or whose primary business is in the cannabis industry are not permitted to post jobs in Handshake (or any other Chapman University platform) or otherwise recruit on campus or virtually.
COVID-19 Safety Measures
By participating in any on-campus recruiting events, all organizations agree to comply with Chapman University’s COVID-19 visitor guidelines, along with any special safety measures, policies or procedures, including its own specific COVID-19 safety plans, requested by the University that relate to the requirements or health and safety guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the State of California, the California Department of Public Health and Cal/OSHA guidance for institutions of higher education, the County of Orange, Orange County Health Care Agency and any other regulatory authority in which the University operates, as well as any such measures promulgated by the University to assure the necessary safety of the Chapman University community in connection with the risks of COVID-19 and/or any other public health risk. This may include, but is not limited to, safety plans and precautions, education and training, testing, reporting and tracing requirements.
All organizations engaging in any recruiting activity through the University, including posting jobs on Handshake, must adhere to the University’s FERPA policy.
Third-Party Recruiters
Without written permission from the Director of CPD, third-party recruiters are not permitted to participate in any on-campus or virtual recruiting events unless they are recruiting for their organization and not for other clients. Third-party recruiters seeking to post jobs in Handshake may email career@tuwabuki.com to inquire about the job posting process. Note that third-party organizations are not permitted to purchase or receive resume books.
Multi-Level Organizations
Multi-level (“pyramid”) organizations are not allowed to participate in any on-campus or virtual recruiting events or post opportunities in Handshake or any other Chapman University platform.
Last updated: March 23, 2023
Policy status: Approved
Employer Engagement
Phone(714) 744-7980Emailthinkchapmanfirst@tuwabuki.comHours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Address Career House
342 N. Glassell
Orange, CA 92866
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