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»Chapman University's Peace Pole
Background of Chapman University's Peace Pole
Chapman University's Peace Pole was installed on Friday, February 17, 2017. This peace
pole was made possible by the Department of Student Engagement, in partnership with
the Department of Peace Studies, the College of Educational Studies, Facilities Management,
and Campus Planning. It serves as a symbol of the variety of on-campus collaborations
that take place to support students' understanding of and commitment to peace.
Background of the Peace Pole Project
Chapman University's Peace Pole is one of over 100,000 poles in over 180 countries
that display a common message: may peace prevail on earth. The Peace Pole Project was started in Japan by Masahisa Goi, founder of the World
Peace Prayer Society, who was disturbed by the destruction wrought by war and came
to be respected by many as a visionary for world peace. Chapman University's Peace
Pole is a connection to many other universities and important sites around the world
and serves as a reminder that we are all interdependent with the world around us.
Languages of the Peace Pole
The Peace Pole includes eight languages including English, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and the language of the indigenous Gabrielino-Tongva tribe.
All but the indigenous language represent the most common languages spoken among Chapman
students at the time of installation.