Chris Hutchison, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President and Associate Dean of Students
Argyros Forum 303C
(714) 628-7321
hutchiso@tuwabuki.comChris Hutchison, Ph.D., serves as the Associate Vice President and Associate Dean
of Students in the Division of Student Affairs at Chapman University. In this role,
he is a member of the Dean of Students Office while overseeing a broad array of student
engagement avenues, including civic engagement, the Campus Center at Rinker, Fraternity
and Sorority Life, Student Organizations, the Argyros Forum Student Union, and Wellness
and Recreation. He also serves as an advisor to the Student Government Association.
Additionally, Chris is an instructor for Chapman’s Attallah College of Educational
Studies, teaching in the undergraduate Leadership Studies Minor and the Master of
Arts in Leadership Development programs. Chris is an active member of the professional
association NASPA—Student Affairs in Higher Education, and has served on regional
conference planning committees. Chris has presented at regional, national, and international
conferences on the topics of pedagogy, civic learning and democratic engagement, interfaith
dialogue, leadership, sustainability in higher education, and arts-based inquiry/action-research.
Chris received his M.A. in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego and
his M.S. in Educational Studies-Higher Education from the University of Oxford. He
also received his Ph.D. in Education from Chapman University, researching undergraduate
civic learning and the impact of democratic pedagogy, embedding experiential processes,
and centralizing university-community dynamics within the curriculum. His research
interests include civic learning and democratic engagement, college student learning
and development, and topics related to experiential learning environments, democratic
pedagogy, democratized classrooms, and university-community dynamics. Chris began
his career in higher education in 1998.

Jaclyn Dreschler
Associate Director of Student Involvement
Argyros Forum 303D
(714) 628-7227
dreschle@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Organizations, University
Program Board
Jaclyn Dreschler serves as the Associate Director of Student Involvement. Her responsibilities
include management and support of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Student Organizations.
She also assists with broader departmental training and development efforts. Jaclyn
serves on the Campus Climate Committee and the People@Chapman Advisory Group. Since
2012, Jaclyn has been an active member of the Association of Fraternity and Sorority
Advisors and NASPA - Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education. Before Chapman,
she worked in the Fraternity and Sorority Life office at Villanova University and
as a Graduate Assistant for Leadership Programs at the University of San Diego, where
she earned her master’s degree in Higher Education Leadership. Jaclyn is a proud
member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority.

Justin Koppelman, Ph.D.
Director of Student Engagement
Argyros Forum 303E
(714) 997-6894
jkoppel@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Argyros Forum Student Union, Campus Center at Rinker, Panther
Pantry, Wellness and Recreation
Justin Koppelman serves as a Director of Student Engagement at Chapman University.
His administrative responsibilities include oversight of the Argyros Forum Student
Union, the Campus Center at Rinker, and Wellness and Recreation. Justin is also an
instructor in Chapman’s Attallah College of Educational Studies, teaching undergraduate
courses on leadership and civic engagement and graduate courses on college student
development theory and higher education, and a moderator for Braver Angels, a national
organization dedicated to depolarizing American politics.
Justin has published and presented at regional, national, and international conferences
on the topics of assessment, civic engagement, interfaith dialogue, leadership, and
sustainability in higher education. Justin has also been an active member of the
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators since 2008, serving in a
variety of regional and national volunteer roles. Most recently, Justin has represented
Chapman University as a Lead Advisory Institution for NASPA, supporting efforts to
advance civic learning and democratic engagement in the field of student affairs.
Previously, Justin has served on regional conference and knowledge community committees.
Justin has a B.A. in Organizational Leadership, a M.A. in English, and a Ph.D. in
Education from Chapman University. Justin’s academic interests include civic learning
and engagement; college student development; and topics related gender and masculinities
in postsecondary education.

Karla Monterrey
Program Coordinator for the Student Union
Argyros Forum 303B
(714) 997-6999
monterre@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Argyros Forum Student Union
Karla Monterrey serves as the Program Coordinator for the Student Union at Chapman
University's Orange Campus. In this role, Karla's responsibilities include managing
the Argyros Forum Student Union and the facility operations and programs focused on
community building, entertainment, and celebrating students diverse identities and
lived experiences.
Prior to working at Chapman University, Karla lived in Chicago and attended the School
of the Art Institute of Chicago to pursue a master’s degree in Art History, Theory
and Criticism. She left SAIC, moved back to California and spent some time working
as an independent artist.
Karla has a bachelor’s degree in Art History from the Cal State, Fullerton and a Master
of Arts in Leadership Development from Chapman University.
Karla loves music, art, tv, food and is part of the BTS ARMY!

Kayla Wiechert
Program Specialist
Argyros Forum 303
(714) 628-7384
banion@tuwabuki.com Direct contact for: Student Organizations
Kayla Wiechert is a Program Specialist in Student Engagement. She is responsible for
supporting recognized student organizations, with specific oversight of academic student
organizations. She also assists with the administration of general departmental projects,
programs, and services. Kayla is one of the advisors to the Student Government Association,
supporting their finance and public relations efforts. Kayla has also served as an
Associate Director in the department during which time she led the advisement of recognized
student organizations, oversaw administrative operations, served on campus climate
committees, and trained as a Title IX investigator and hearing officer.
Prior to joining Student Engagement, Kayla served as the Residential Education Coordinator
from 2010-2013 and Program Assistant for Orientation and First Year programs in 2010
at Chapman. Her professional interests include connecting students activities outside
of the classroom to their academic pursuits. She has presented at Western Regional
Conferences for NASPA, as well as served on several professional association committees.
Kayla was also the recipient of the 2013 NASPA Region VI Dorothy Keller New Professional
Kayla has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and religious studies from Saint Mary’s
College of California and a master’s degree in student affairs from University of
California, Los Angeles.

Michael Sakhel
Facility Manager for Wellness and Recreation
Henley Hall 001
(714) 516-6192
sakhel@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Wellness and Recreation
Michael serves as the Facility Manager for Wellness and Recreation, overseeing day-to-day
operations for the Henley Hall Fitness Center, Julianne Argyros Fitness Center, Doti-Struppa
Rock Wall and the Masson Family Beach Club and Recreation Area. His responsibilities
include ensuring proper safety measures are adhered to within facilities, working
with external vendors on preventative equipment-maintenance efforts, and coordinating
group fitness classes and other on-campus recreation programming. Michael's athletic
background and experience help shape a holistic approach to fitness. He has a passion
for professional sports organizations and works part time with the Los Angeles Chargers
Fan Experience department.
Michael has a bachelor's degree in Communications from Cal Poly Pomona.

Sidney Ecoiffier
Manager for Campus Center at Rinker
Campus Center at Rinker 240
(714) 516-5201
secoiffier@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Campus Center at Rinker

Sydney Nomura
Program Coordinator for Student Involvement
Argyros Forum 303A
(714) 516-5199
snomura@tuwabuki.comDirect contact for: Student Organizations, University Program Board
Sydney Nomura serves as the Program Coordinator for Student Involvement. In this
role, Sydney is responsible for the advisement and development of student organizations
and is the professional staff advisor for the University Program Board. Prior to
Chapman, Sydney worked for the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers at Cal
Poly Pomona, the Office of Alumni Engagement at Azusa Pacific University, and the
Pre-College Programs at Barnard College. Sydney received her B.A. in Liberal Arts
with a concentration in Culture, Psychology, and Leadership from the University of
La Verne and her M.S. in College Counseling and Student Development from Azusa Pacific
University. Sydney is passionate about building relationships between faculty, staff,
and students to promote their holistic learning, and one of her goals as a student
affairs educator is to guide students through their higher education journey to ensure
they have accessible opportunities to foster their development.