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Moving Out

»Moving Out

The end of the semester doesn’t just mean finals—It also means moving out. While the process is simple, it never hurts to be prepared. Read on for more information on moving out, a general move-out timeline, and more.

Spring Move-out 2025

Check-out appointments must be within24 hours of your last in-person Spring final exam or on Saturday, May 24, 2025 by 12:00 p.m. — whichever comes first. You can also check out any time before your last final as well. Please review the final exam schedule to determine your move-out date and time.

Move-out Process

Near the end of the spring semester

  • You will receive an email from your building manager: This community-wide memo will include specific information about checking out of housing.

  • Sign up for a check-out time: The community memo will include a link to sign up for a check-out time. If you have questions about checking out, you can email or contact your building manager.

Early May

Attend a community meeting in your building (if applicable): At this meeting, you will learn about the move-out process so that you can prepare to move out yourself. If your community is hosting a meeting, then it is mandatory to attend.

Late May

Check out of your building: You will formally check out by visiting the check-out location in your building at your check-out time. This includes having building access removed from your student ID (make sure to have all of your belongings moved out before checking out).

Spring Move-out Considerations

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Move-out Tips

  • Communicate move-out day plans with your family. Talk to your family members about when and how you will be moving out, especially if they will be helping you with the process. Keeping them informed will make things easier for all of you. Be sure to communicate your plans with your roommate(s) as well!
  • Confirm your final exam schedule. Before you sign up for a checkout time, make sure you know when your last final exam takes place. This is important because you need to move out within 24 hours of finishing your last final.
  • Plan your storage and shipping options. Planning these out in advance will help immensely in the long run. Consider the following tips:
    • If home is less than a few hours’ drive away, you may find it easiest to move your belongings there — as long as you have the space and transportation to do so!
    • If home is not close enough to drive, you may want to consider storage options like Campus Storage. Reservations fill up quickly, however, so try to schedule storage services in advance.
    • If you live in a different state or country, shipping your belongings home may be the best option. While shipping can be costly, it will minimize the amount of luggage you have to bring with you.

Storage Options

Campus Storage:

Campus StorageCampus Storage provides a seamless solution for moving and storing your belongings before a long summer break or a semester abroad. All you have to do is select a date for in-room pick-up of your belongings, and Campus Storage will provide packing materials, then pick-up and store your belongings in their storage facility. Make a reservation today before spots fill up!


Storage Scholars:

Storage ScholarsStudent Storage Made Easy

Storage Scholars is a preferred moving, storage, and shipping partner of Chapman University. From securely storing your belongings during breaks to ensuring safe delivery of packages, Storage Scholars has consistently demonstrated their commitment to excellence. Look no further than Storage Scholars for a hassle-free experience, superior customer service, and peace of mind. Visit their website to learn more and explore the comprehensive range of student storage, moving, and shipping services offered to the Chapman community.

Winter Move-out 2024

Students who are graduating, transferring, studying abroad, or withdrawing, and will not be returning to Chapman for the spring semester, must move out of the residence halls and apartments 24 hours after taking their last in-person final or by Saturday, December 14th, 2024 – whichever comes first. You can also check out any time before your last final as well. Please review the final exam schedule to determine your move-out date and time.  

If you are taking an interterm course, you will need to provide verification of enrollment with your License Release Request paperwork. You will be required to check out within 24 hours after your interterm final/submission of final project. 

Move-out Process

  1. Fill out the License Release Request form: Students moving out of Chapman housing in the winter, and not returning in the spring, will need to fill out a License Release Request form by no later than December 1st. 

  2. Sign up for a check-out appointment: Students will receive a winter memo from their building manager toward the end of the fall semester. The memo will include a link to sign up for a check out day and time. 

  3. Check out of the space: Students will check out of their space by following the instructions included in their License Release approval email. 

Winter Move-out Considerations

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