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Student writes on whiteboard to present to other students in research lab
Research Labs

»Research Labs

From mechanical testing equipment to atomic force microscopes, our research labs house high-end equipment that allows our faculty to produce cutting-edge research. Our research spaces include:

Research lab with benches

Laboratory Suites

Designed to support faculty with programs that require “bench style” research facilities, the Lab Suite offers faculty and students the space needed to develop new hardware, test advanced systems, and conduct a wide range of experimental studies. The lab is co-located with the Optics and Photonics; Materials Synthesis and Nanoanalysis, and Materials Analysis labs, ensuring that our researchers have rapid access to the specialized facilities that advance their work.

Materials Analysis Lab

The focus of this lab is to evaluate the mechanical properties of materials. The Materials Analysis Lab houses an Instron universal testing machine for tensile, compression, and flexural measurements. In addition, a Tinius Olsen universal hardness tester is in this facility to evaluate hardness scales that include Brinell, Rockwell, superficial Rockwell, as well as Vickers and Knoop microhardness. Fracture toughness measurements are also available.

Optics and Photonics Lab

The laser lab is equipped with active vibration isolation systems that enable highly precise and accurate optical measurements. In addition to two high-power tunable infrared lasers, the lab is home to an optical spectrum analyzer, two phase modulators, a custom-built waveguide testing setup, and a wide variety of optical fibers and opto-mechanical mounts which enable the experimental testing and characterization of photonic devices and materials.

Two students looking through microscope

Materials Synthesis and Nanoanalysis Lab

Dedicated to wet chemical synthesis, this facility provides researchers with the equipment and infrastructure required to produce many different classes of high-quality (nano)materials. The lab is also home to a complete analysis suite, including multiple atomic force microscopes, an optical microscope with DIC and epifluorescence, dynamic light scattering, tunable resistive pulse sensing, multiple centrifuges, a freeze dryer, and a microfluidics station. Also, adding a plate reader, a bioprinter, and a rheometer/dynamic mechanical analyzer in the near future.