Fowler School of Engineering

Swenson Family Hall of Engineering

Welcome to Swenson Hall


A remarkable new facilty where Chapman engineering students:


at the limits of possibility with labs, tools and technologies that match, and even exceed, industry standards.


in spaces designed to foster inclusive teamwork and accelerate the student innovation process.


the future of engineering as you engage in meaningful research, honing the hands-on skills that engineers use every day.

Two students work in an engineering classroom.

Ready to see your ideas come to life?

See our full workshop schedule for opportunities to check out the facilities, see what Chapman engineering students get up to and dive in yourself.

Explore Swenson Hall

Machinery in the Makerspace in Chapman's engineering facilitiesMakerspace: Design/Create/Innovate Lab

Check out the Design/Create/Innovate Lab (DCI Lab for short), an open makerspace where Chapman engineering students bring their ideas to life with tech for 3D printing, circuit design, mixed-mode manufacturing and more.

Students work with electronic devices in a brightly lit laboratory environment.The Tech Shop

Explore the Tech Shop, where Chapman engineers build and test rockets, robots, and countless projects limited only by their creativity.

Teaching Labs

Housed on the top floor, our teaching labs are where the hands-on learning happens.

The Circuits and Structures Lab is where you'll explore everything from macroscopic circuitry to nanoscale structures and more.

Or dive in to the world of cyber-physical systems, AI and more in the Signals and Cyber Lab.

Professor and student in the optics lab

Research Labs

In our research labs, students and professors join forces to think about pressing engineering problems  and envision solutions. Plenty of our students even get published in scientific journals along the way, and so can you.

Explore Swenson Hall from wherever you are with this virtual tour:

Or check out our guided video tour: