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Attallah College Fund for Excellence
Our mission at the Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University is to develop critical scholarship and skillful leadership that inspires and respects individuals who serve communities to strengthen diversity and ensure a just society.
Attallah College has made remarkable progress in recent years and continues to have many initiatives that need your help to sustain this vital mission. Your gift will support faculty research and several other important initiatives that will make a difference in our students' and communities' lives. Please help us to fulfill our promise of "Changing Education. Changing the World."
Donald N. Cardinal, Ph.D., Endowed Fellowship
The Donald N. Cardinal, Ph.D. Endowed Fellowship is awarded to distinguished Ph.D. students in the Attallah College of Educational Studies who are studying to improve the lives of people with disabilities. This fellowship supports conference and international travel grants, student scholarships, and dissertation and pre-dissertation research grants. Awards are made by the dean based on faculty recommendations.
Hayley Taitz Endowed Fellowship
The Hayley Taitz Endowed Fellowship supports graduate students in the Attallah College of Educational
Studies school psychology or related program. Eligible students aspire to follow in
Hayley’s footsteps through dedication to serving children with disabilities and their
families in the community. Funding may be used for activities including, but not limited
to, conferences, collaboration, travel, and research. Awards are made by the dean
based on faculty recommendations.
Julian Sadasivaiah Endowed Fellowship in Mental Health
The Julian Sadasivaiah Endowed Graduate Student Fellowship in Mental Health provides
financial support to one or more counseling/school psychology graduate students in
providing mental health support to kids like Julian. Recipients of this fellowship
will be awarded to exceptional graduate students who aspire to bring peace, joy, and
hope to children and their families who are impacted by disability or complex medical
Panther Experiential Philanthropy Project
The Panther Experiential Philanthropy Project (PEPP) empowers students to become grantmakers
by investing donor funds in local nonprofit organizations.
In order to make responsible funding decisions, students conduct site visits, write
grants, analyze financial statements, and present to their classmates. Classes then
collectively make grant funding decisions based on the criteria set by the class.
This hands-on experience strengthens students’ understanding of local issues facing
the Orange County community while cultivating connections to nonprofits addressing
those issues.
Paulo Freire Democratic Project
The Paulo Freire Democratic Project (PFDP) strives to follow the educational philosophy put forth by Paulo Freire. To accomplish this mission, PFDP gathers a number of constituencies from all levels of education to promote the full democratic, intellectual, and critical development of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other community members. Learn more about the Paulo Freire Democratic Project.
Penny S. Bryan, Ph.D., Arts Development Fund
Dr. Penny S. Bryan served as a faculty member at Chapman University from 1994–2018 and was the founding Faculty Coordinator and Professor of the Master of Arts in Leadership Development (MLD) program and founding Faculty and Professor of the Ph.D. in Education program.
Dr. Bryan has a passion for the arts, leadership, democracy, and social change, and this fund serves to enhance those interests in students enrolled in Attallah College's MLD and Ph.D. in Education programs. Funds will go to an award for student scholarships and programming that enhance the use of the arts for leadership, democracy, and social change.
Leadership Initiatives
Attallah College contains academic programs at the undergraduate through PhD levels in Leadership and Leadership Studies. Gifts made toward our leadership initiatives offer a unique opportunity for Chapman students to enhance their understanding and practice of leadership, emphasizing not only preparation for work, but education for life.