Undergraduate Awards
Carrie Cooper Scholarship
Assists students with financial need who are majoring in education and interested
in pursuing a career in teaching.
Donna Cucunato Movement Education Scholarship
Supports outstanding undergraduate students transitioning to an Attallah College MA
in Teaching or credential program with an interest in dance.
James L. Flournoy Scholarship in Urban Education
Provides tuition and expenses with a preference for first-generation students, students
from economically or historically disadvantaged areas, and educationally underserved
areas who are enrolled of the majors offered by the Attallah College and who demonstrate
financial need.
Daphne and Will Horst Scholarship
Assists students with financial need who are majoring in education and have at least
a 3.0 GPA.
Shirley Lapier Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Education
Limited to students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Attallah College and must demonstrate
potential excellence in the field of education with preference for those planning
a career in teaching or school counseling.
Marcia Louise Sharpless Scholarship
Assists students with financial need who are majoring in education.
Graduate Awards
Mary Nalle Brown Scholarship
Provides scholarships to students pursuing a music education graduate degree or music
teaching credential within Attallah College.
Donald N. Cardinal, Ph.D., Endowed Fellowship
The Donald N. Cardinal, Ph.D. Endowed Fellowship will be awarded to a distinguished
Ph.D. student(s) in the Attallah College of Educational Studies who is (are) studying
to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
The A. Colón and H.Muñiz Teacher Education Award
Supports students in teacher education who are in need of assistance and plans to
work with bilingual students in underserved communities.
Barbara Cox Fellowship
Limited to students pursuing graduate degrees in teaching in Attallah College.
Joan Turner Cox Fellowship
Open to graduate students enrolled in the Attallah College who demonstrates potential
for excellence in teaching.
Richard W. and Marjorie A. Derby Scholarship
Assists Attallah College graduate students in any degree program.
Robert P. Fahey Endowed Scholarship
For graduate students who are student teacher candidates with an emphasis in math
or science and have a minimum 3.5 GPA.
Shirley Lapier Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Education
Limited to students pursuing graduate degrees in teaching or school counseling in
Attallah College.
Margaret Grogan and Michael Wahlster Research Award
Supports Ph.D. dissertation research in a variety of areas to include equity, race,
ethnicity, gender, inclusion, poverty and the intersections of these areas with a
focus on the implications of educational leadership to address such areas. Application
is made through the Attallah College research grants program administered by the Vice
Provost for Graduate Education Office.
Fariborz Maseeh Endowed Graduate Award in Autism and Developmental Disorders
Open to graduate students who have made extraordinary contributions to individuals
with autism or developmental disorders or their families.
Burrell Ross Teacher Candidate Award
Supports students in teacher education who are first-gen college degree earners in
need of assistance and want to work with underserved communities.
Marlene Ross Special Education Award
For teacher education students pursuing a career in special education; preference
is given to first generation college degree earners in need of assistance, those who
want to work with underserved communities, and who demonstrate an interest in building
inclusive learning spaces.
Hayley Taitz Endowed Fellowship
Commitment to serving students with disabilities and their families. Students in the
school psychology program or a related program are eligible.
Team Up for Down Syndrome Endowed Scholarship
Open to graduate students pursuing a degree in special education or disability studies.
Barbara and Ken Tye Fellowship
Open to graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional merit and potential as
a teacher. Must demonstrate need for financial assistance.
Walter Valentine, in Honor of Anna Wilson, Ph.D., Endowed Research Fund
Supports Ph.D. students and their scholarly activities. Activities include but are
not limited to travel to professional conferences, research expenses, and costs with
research and writing for professional publications. Application is made through the
Attallah College research grants program administered by the Vice Provost for Graduate
Education Office.