Data Hub
- Campus Services
- Budget Office
- Campus Controller
- Campus Planning and Design
- Career and Professional Development
- Community Relations
- Event Operations
- Facilities Management
- Fire & Life Safety
- Institutional Compliance and Internal Audit
- Institutional Research and Decision Support
- Legal Affairs
- Mail Services
- Parking Services
- Public Safety
- Strategic Marketing and Communications
- Sustainability
- Copy Jobs
- Campus Resources
The Office of Sustainability data hub serves to increase sustainability data transparency
and accessibility. This hub contains data visualizations with interactivity to provide
the public with a better understanding of our sustainability initiatives and goals.
These visualizations may evolve or change over time as they are updated to reflect
current data and survey results. If you have any questions about the visualizations
or source datasets, please reach out to
2024 Sustainability Survey Results
The Office of Sustainability continually seeks feedback on our projects and programming
related to energy and water conservation, food waste reduction, education, and more.
We release a survey every year in which we invite students, staff, and faculty to
provide input on our current and potential future efforts and share ideas on sustainability
initiatives they think Chapman should prioritize. Check back for our 2024 survey results!
Greenhouse Gas Benchmarking Reports
Chapman collects and analyzes data on energy, waste and transportation every year
to produce a comprehensive emissions report for the university. These reports allow
us to track our ecological footprint reduction throughout the years and compare our
sustainability and energy conservation performance to our peer institutions.