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Argyros College of Business and Economics

Business and Economics Minors

»Business and Economics Minors

Pursuing a minor in Argyros College of Business and Economics is a valuable way to enhance your Chapman education and broaden your career path.

Open to undergraduates of any major, these minors provide essential business foundations that can expand your skills across any discipline or industry.

Some Argyros College students have limitations on adding a business-related minor if it overlaps with your major requirements. Be sure to talk to your advisor or check the Undergraduate Catalog for details. 

Explore the available minors and their specific requirements in the pages below, or follow these links to get started: 


Want to see if a minor is a good fit for you?academic advisor talking to student

Talk to an Argyros College academic advisor for personalized guidance on how a business and economics minor can complement your field of study, align with your academic plan and support your career path. You can get in touch with your Advisor via appointment, walk-in or email.

Entrepreneurship opportunities at Chapmanstudent working with professor

Chapman offers hands-on entrepreneurial opportunities for students of all majors, and you don't have to go through the process of adding a minor.

Through resources like mentorship, workshops, and incubator programs, you can collaborate with fellow students and turn your ideas into real-world business plans!

Learn more on our Entrepreneurship Opportunities page.