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»Fraternity Chapters

Alpha Delta Phi (Adelpho)
President: Kade McKenna
adelphos.chapman@gmail.comMotto: Manus Multæ Cor Unum (Many Hands, One Heart)
GPA Rank #8: 3.166

Alpha Epsilon Pi
President: Charles Simmons
chapmanaepi1913@gmail.comMotto: Developing Leadership for the Jewish Community
GPA Rank #2: 3.367

Beta Theta Pi
President: Charlie Harvego
harvego@tuwabuki.comMotto: Developing Men of Principle for a Principled Life
GPA Rank #7: 3.229

Delta Tau Delta (Delts)
President: Brandon Mahgerefteh
chapmandeltpresident@gmail.comMotto: Committed to Lives of Excellence
GPA Rank #1: 3.432

Phi Delta Theta (Phi Delt)
President: Reid Terrile
cupdtpres@gmail.comMotto: One Man is No Man
GPA Rank #6: 3.236

Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
President: Charlie Reed
chareed@tuwabuki.comMotto: Friendship, the Sweetest Influence
GPA Rank #3: 3.292

Phi Kappa Tau (Phi Tau)
President: Jesse Kohn
phitaupresident@gmail.comMotto: Learning. Leading. Serving.
GPA Rank #4: 3.277

Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike)
President: Chance Chavez
chapmanpike.president@gmail.comVision Statement: To set the standard of integrity, intellect, and achievement for
our members, host institutions, and the community in which we live.
GPA Rank #9: 3.121