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Creating a Rape-free Environment for Students
This website is designed to provide all members of the Chapman Community with important information about support and resources for Chapman students who have been or may be impacted by sexual misconduct.
Sexual misconduct and sex based gender discrimination can take many forms, including sexual harassment, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, domestic or dating violence, interpersonal violence (IPV), stalking, or other forms of sex based or gender harassment.
College students who experience sexual violence must deal with making important decisions such as whether to seek medical treatment, make a police report, notify campus officials, contact parents or family, or obtain help from campus resources. Most individuals who experience sexual violence or assault also have concerns about their personal privacy and safety.
Dr. Dani Smith is Chapman University's C.A.R.E.S. Coordinator and Rape Crisis Counselor on campus. If you want to know what options you have regarding on and off campus reporting and/or need support, Dr. Dani Smith is a privileged and confidential advocate for you. Her office is a safe space and located in the Argyros Forum 303F. She can also be reached at (714)744-7080 or dasmith@tuwabuki.com. Fish Interfaith Center Clergy are also Advocates.
Did you know?
- We can assist students with housing and academic accommodations as well as provide safety measures after an assault
- On and off campus resources are available.
- Victim/Survivors are encouraged to self-report sexual violence to Public Safety and to University Title IX Coordinator.
- Off-campus confidential resources are available 24/7 at Waymakers Rape Crisis Hotline: (714) 957-2737
C.A.R.E.S. is a group of students who are committed to raising awareness regarding rape and sexual assault. The mission includes disseminating prevention information and stimulating discussion with the aim of impacting the rape mentality that pervades our culture. The formal C.A.R.E.S. rape prevention program, the Clothesline Project, Denim Day and Take Back the Night are some of the programs that are utilized to educate and raise awareness regarding sexual assault. C.A.R.E.S. members have committed themselves to confronting the very serious and sensitive topic of rape and sexual assault prevention education.
To find out more information and updates on C.A.R.E.S., please contact Dr. Dani Smith at Dr. Dani Smith or visit our Facebook page at: www.Facebook.com/ChapmanCares
- To raise awareness regarding the prevalence of rape and sexual assault on university campuses by providing information and statistics.
- To educate the Chapman community regarding ways to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of sexual assault.
- To stimulate dialogue regarding rape and sexual assault
- To encourage the acquisition and use of assertiveness, communication and healthy dating and interpersonal skills.
- To challenge individuals to examine cultural beliefs and values regarding gender stereotypes and a rape mentality.
- To provide current resources and referral information.
Information on what to do if you have experienced sexual violence can be found here>>
C.A.R.E.S. Bystander Intervention Video
This video contains potentially upsetting material and has been marked with a trigger warning.
How To Get Involved
Meetings are on Fridays at noon. Our room this semester is in the Argyros Forum, 206.
Help plan events to raise awareness and educate the Chapman community. Take part in our discussions and be a part of C.A.R.E.S. ALL are welcome!
If you are in danger CALL 911 or Public Safety 714 997-6763
More Information and Resources at PEER Advocacy page.
If you have been involved in a sexual misconduct incident, reach out and contact Dr. Dani Smith
Her office is located in the Argyros Forum
AF 303F
Get support and advocacy. Find out what options you have and the supportive measures available in this safe and confidential office.