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»Policies and Procedures at the Leatherby Libraries
The Leatherby Libraries adheres to the university's policies, but a few specific library policies can be found below.
Art and Exhibits
The purpose of exhibits and art in the Leatherby Libraries is
- to support the curriculum and research at Chapman University
- to highlight the collections of the university community
- to commemorate events and celebrate people
- to complement scholarly events on campus
Committee Members
The Dean of the Libraries, the Head of Special Collections and Archives and library staff members.
Who creates exhibits and places art in the Leatherby Libraries
The committee is responsible for decisions regarding exhibit proposals, exhibit content and design, the placing of art, budgetary recommendations, and arrangements for publicity and special events. The Exhibit and Art Committee is responsible for the curation of the library exhibits. Art may be permanent or temporary and will be displayed either by the Committee or by the campus Curator of Art in conjunction with the Committee.
Duration of Exhibits
Normal duration of exhibits is two months.
Whom do I contact
To propose an exhibit or art installation in the Leatherby Libraries please call the Administrative Assistant, at (714) 532-7742.
Billing and Payments
Fees for items which are lost or damaged must be paid in a timely manner at the Circulation Desk.
All fines and fees must be paid in order for borrowing privileges to be restored, including access to Reserve and Interlibrary Loan materials.
Business Office Referrals - Students
Failure to promptly resolve these matters will result in the forwarding of unpaid debt (with an additional referral fee) to the University Business Office. Once paid at the Business Office, the student must bring a receipt to the Circulation Desk as proof of payment. Failure to pay library fines and fees referred to the Business Office may result in delays for future registration, as well as transcript holds.
Circulation Policies
Collection Development Policy
The purpose of the Leatherby Libraries Collection Development Policy is to guide the selection, acquisition, development, management, measurement, and evaluation of resources in all formats necessary to support the curriculum and research needs of the Chapman University community. The community shall include, but not be limited to, students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Chapman University. The Leatherby Libraries is the physical and electronic repository of all resources acquired and these resources remain under its management and control.
The Collection Development Policy is consistent with the vision and mission of the library. The Leatherby Libraries supports the American Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Policies and the University’s Policy for Freedom of Expression.
The Collection Development Policy is reviewed periodically by members on the Collection Development Committee, including:
Chair of the Collection Development Committee: Chair of the Resources and Scholarly Communications Division
- Associate Dean
- Members of the Resources and Scholarly Communications Division
- Chair of Special Collections and Archives, and other librarians on an ad hoc basis
- Dean; ex officio
Selection of materials is a shared responsibility between the librarian liaison and faculty. However, the primary responsibility of developing a collection in a particular subject area or discipline lies with the librarian liaison. The librarian coordinates the depth and breadth of the collection assigned to him/her, depending on funding and the needs of undergraduate and graduate programs and faculty research. The collecting density and intensity levels may include: comprehensive, research, study or instructional support, basic, minimal, or out of scope. Suggestions for new acquisitions may also be submitted by other members of the Chapman University community for consideration by liaison librarians.
All formats will be considered for purchase. If content is available in different formats, the format predominately benefiting the curricula will be given preference. Formats include:
Monographs are books, DVDs, Videos, CDs, maps, microforms, and other one time purchases of content.
Serials include journals, magazines, newspapers, and other materials that are issued periodically.
Electronic Resources
Electronic resources include eBooks, e-journals, and aggregator databases.
Serials and electronic resources require ongoing financial commitments, and as such they must be considered differently from monographic purchases. Subscription costs for serials and electronic resources have been increasing at higher rates than for other resources, and therefore, requests for new titles must be considered carefully as these resources could consume a disproportionately higher share of the ongoing acquisitions budget if not monitored. The Leatherby Libraries is a member of SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium). Whenever possible and advantageous, the Leatherby Libraries will collaborate with SCELC to purchase access to electronic resources. The buying power of SCELC is substantial, and SCELC is often able to negotiate prices for electronic resources that the library could not afford to consider without membership in SCELC.
Special Collections and Archives
The Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives collects material of enduring value, for intellectual content as well as for historical significance. Special Collections serves as the repository for collections of historically significant papers, rare books, both antiquarian and modern, art work, periodicals, photographs, broadsides, media, ephemera, and realia. The University Archives is the repository for the records of enduring value officially made or received by Chapman University, and for other materials of historical value related to the functions of the university. The University Archives includes material documenting the history and growth of Chapman University; books (including faculty publications), manuscripts, Chapman periodicals and newspapers, ephemera, and audio/visual material.
Faculty Publications
The library actively collects monographic faculty publications and selected journal titles edited by faculty. Liaisons encourage faculty in their area to inform them of new publications.
Criteria for selecting faculty publications are the same as criteria for selecting monographs, serials and electronic resources.
Alumni Publications
The library actively collects material produced by Chapman University alumni. Alumni authors are defined as graduates of Chapman University with earned degrees.
Criteria for selecting alumni publications are the same as criteria for selecting monographs, serials and electronic resources.
Theses and Dissertations
The library provides access to electronic versions of theses and dissertations, on a volunteer basis, through its subscription to ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses Full Text.
Peter and Mary Muth Library of Children’s Literature
The Leatherby Libraries maintains a library of literature written for children housed in The Peter and Mary Muth Library of Children’s Literature within the Edgar and Libby Pankey Library of Education. This collection ranges from picture books to K-12 books, fiction and non-fiction, and is intended to support the curriculum within the School of Education and children’s literature courses taught by the English Department.
Collecting priorities will be given to award-winning books such as, but not limited to, the Caldecott, Newbery, and Coretta Scott King awards and Children’s Notable Books identified by the American Library Association.
Gifts and Donations
Gifts-in-kind are an important way for friends and donors to give to the Leatherby Libraries. It is recognized that gift processing is time-consuming, and often not all parts of the gift donation are relevant to the library. However, if at all possible, it is the goal of the library to retain gift donations, especially out-of-print hardcover materials that supplement our current collections whenever they fall within the broader collection development goals.
Selection limitations include: textbooks, out-of-print materials, and obsolete formats.
Collection management is an ongoing activity undertaken by librarians that assesses the collection in terms of its quality, condition, and usefulness. Deselection means removing physical materials or deactivating electronic resources from the collection. Ongoing review of the collection by the subject librarians identifies these materials. Faculty are notified of any significant changes.
Preservation and Digitization
The Leatherby Libraries is committed to preserving its collections of enduring value and scholarly interest; and supports the American Library Association’s Preservation Policy, including: remedial treatment of damaged and fragile items, preservation of materials in their original format when possible, replacement or reformatting of deteriorated materials. The library engages in digitization projects in order to preserve portions of its collections and create wider paths to scholarly discovery and accessibility.
Last Updated: August, 2022
Copyright - Notice Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions
The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
For more information about Copyright and Fair Use, visit Chapman LibGuides on Copyright.
Dissertation / Thesis Guidelines
Electronic and Print Resource Access for Chapman Visitors
Leatherby Libraries welcomes visiting scholars, researchers, alumni, and Chapman's extended family of library users. With over 300,000 monographic items; over 250 databases; The Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives; and The Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library, Leatherby Libraries offers outstanding and unique resources. Two walk-up computer stations across from the Reference Desk are available for visitor research. Sessions are limited to 30 minutes. As printing is not available from these stations, visitors are encouraged to utilize their personal email or flash-drives, as needed.
Emergency Response Plan
Please visit the Leatherby Libraries' LibGuides for information on our Emergency Response Plan.
Event Announcement Boards in the Leatherby Libraries
Guidelines for Library Users (Students and Faculty)
The Leatherby Libraries welcomes the opportunity for students, faculty, and other campus units to publicize upcoming events in the Allred Entrada (first floor lobby). Due to aesthetic concerns, limited space availability and safety issues, the Leatherby Libraries must limit the number at any one time. Below are the guidelines for approval of Event Announcement Boards in the Leatherby Libraries.
- All Event Announcement Boards must be approved by Librarians or Library Staff in order to be displayed in the Leatherby Libraries. A permission form must be completed by the person requesting the display of the board(s). Initials of the library employee on the verso of the board(s) will signify approval. Student announcements must also contain the approval stamp of the Associated Students.
- The Circulation Department assumes primary oversight of the Event Announcement Boards.
- The library assumes that the campus unit wishing to announce an upcoming event in the library will provide their own easels. However, the Circulation Department would have a limited number of easels available if necessary.
- Event Announcement Boards will be placed in one of three locations: to the right of the west entrance (facing Beckman Hall) or to the left or right of the east entrance (facing Argyros Forum)
- The Event Announcement Boards will be on exhibit through the event date and removed the next day.
- The party responsible for the Event Announcement Board should pick up the item within 2 days of the completion of the event.
- The Circulation Department will store unclaimed boards for up to 3 days and then discard them or give them to Special Collections.
Filming Policy
Filming in the Leatherby Libraries is generally prohibited. This includes all forms of photography and is defined as any use of film, video, tape recording, still photographs, or any other means of audio/visual production within the Leatherby Libraries.
Exceptions are granted for University produced and/or sponsored productions (i.e. recruitment presentations, historical presentations) that are sanctioned by the Office of the President, Office of the Chancellor, Office of Enrollment Management, University Relations, Publications, or Development.
Permission for University produced and/or sponsored productions must be obtained, along with reasonable notice, from the Dean of the Library, the Associate Dean, or a Senior Administrative figure that is charged with such responsibility.
Food and Drink Policy
The Leatherby Libraries prohibits food in the library public areas, and will permit only drinks in covered, spill-proof containers in selected library locations.
- Food and drink will be permitted in the first floor Rotunda including the Lewis Family Lounge and its two group study rooms.
- Drinks in covered, spill-proof containers will be permitted in the following selected
library locations only:
- First floor Rotunda
- Group study rooms
- Individual study carrels on the perimeter of the 2nd and 3rd floors.
- No food or drink is permitted in the computer classrooms or labs in the basement
- Gum is expressly forbidden throughout the building.
Instruction Room Policy
The Leatherby Libraries computer classroom (LL 305) is available to Chapman University faculty, staff, and administrators for class and training needs on a limited basis. The room houses 24 computers, 12 bring your own computer desks, one instructor station, and one printer.
Please direct requests to use the classroom to Taylor Greene (tgreene@tuwabuki.com). Requests should be made at least one week prior to the desired date. Please include your name, department, desired date and time, and reason for the request. Responses to requests will be sent within two days.
Requesting use of the classroom by personnel outside the library:
- The needs of the Leatherby Libraries instructional program take precedence over other requests when scheduling classrooms. Generally, the classroom is unavailable during the periods of the semester when there is a heavy information literacy instruction load, typically the first eight weeks of the semester.
- The classroom may be requested by groups needing computers for hands-on learning. (Groups that do not require the technology in the classroom can seek other space on campus.)
- The classroom can be used for one class session or up to four hours at a time, Monday through Friday. During summer and interim semesters, and during weekends year-round, room requests will be honored according to availability.
- A faculty, administrator, or staff member may use the classroom twice per semester.
- The classroom is available only during building hours.
Using the classroom:
- On the day of the classroom use, the person making the reservation must check in at the Circulation Desk to obtain access to the classroom.
- Food and drink are not permitted in the classroom without prior approval.
- Additional technology and software may not be installed in the classroom without prior approval. Assistance with the room’s technology may be obtained by contacting IS&T at 714-997-6600.
- Upon completion of the session the classroom must be returned to its original condition: projector and lights turned off; computers logged off, and any rearranged furniture put back.
- Staff at the Circulation Desk must be notified when the room is vacant.
K-12 Group Tours & Assignments Policy
Chapman University is a private university serving its student, faculty, and staff community. The Leatherby Libraries’ mission is to support the teaching and research needs of the Chapman University community. K-12 group tours and access to the Library’s facilities for class assignments and projects, not affiliated with a Chapman University-sponsored program, are decided on a case-by-case basis. Approval for K-12 students to tour or use the Library may be limited due to the following:
- Collection and resources may not be age-appropriate to the class assignment and/or project.
- Only one designated “public” computer provided with limitation to 30-minute use per person. This computer is provided for Chapman University guests. This is a non-filtered computer that may not be appropriate for K-12 age students. It does not have print capability.
- Priority given to CU students for reference services; reference desk normally staffed by one librarian.
- Study space is limited and priority is given to the CU community.
Any request for tours or use of the Library for class assignments/projects should be directed to: Julie Artman, Associate Dean, at artman@tuwabuki.com.
Library Security Guidelines
The Leatherby Libraries Security Policy
The Leatherby Libraries provides a welcoming, safe, and secure atmosphere for all members of the Chapman University community so that they may access scholarly resources, conduct research, attend events, or study. The following behaviors may result in contacting Chapman University’s Public Safety Department for resolution:
- Harassing, abusive, disruptive, or offensive behavior towards patrons or employees
- Theft of individual or library property
- Vandalism
- Inappropriate use of technology (Leatherby Libraries' Technology Policy)
Safety Tips for Leatherby Libraries Patrons
- Be aware of your environment
- Never leave property unattended
- Familiarize yourself with the library building and the library exits
- Trust your instincts and report suspicious activity or inappropriate behavior to library staff or Public Safety
- Circulation: (714) 532–7723 | Public Safety: (714) 997–6763
Posting Policy
All postings in Leatherby Libraries are confined to the bulletin board in the Lewis Family Lounge on the first floor. All flyers and materials for distribution are confined to the rotunda adjacent to the Lewis Family Lounge. Permission to post or place materials for distribution in these areas must be approved by the Student L.E.A.D. Center. Content of postings and materials must follow the guidelines provided by the Student Conduct Code (Appendix 12). Any unapproved postings or materials will be removed. All non-student postings and materials for distribution must be approved by Library Administration. Please see Circulation or Reference departments for additional information or clarification.
Privacy Policy
The Leatherby Libraries respects the privacy of its students, faculty, staff, and all Chapman community patrons. The Leatherby Libraries endorses the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics, Policy Statement on Confidentiality of Library Records and privacy guidelines, encouraging libraries to:
- Limit the degree to which personally identifiable information is monitored, collected, disclosed, and distributed.
- Avoid creating unnecessary records.
- Avoid retaining records that are not needed for efficient operation of the library, including data-related logs, digital records, vendor-collected data, and system backups.
- Avoid library practices and procedures that place personally identifiable information on public view.1
The Leatherby Libraries has implemented procedures in order to protect patron privacy and the Library extends this privacy consideration to circulation/reserves records and history, interlibrary loan records and history, and reference consultations, among other areas of library services and resources. However, the Library uses and retains records and personal patron information during the course of conducting library business, for example:
- Checking out library materials.
- Processing overdue notices and fines.
- Conducting extended reference transactions.
The Library’s computers are supported by the University’s Information Systems & Technology Department (IS&T), and IS&T provides a separate privacy policy.2
In addition to the above considerations, the Leatherby Libraries trains each library employee and library student worker on the application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to student library records and information in order to ensure patron privacy.
Please direct any concerns about patron privacy to Associate Dean Julie Artman at artman@tuwabuki.com
- ALA Website:
Code of Ethics
Guidelines for Developing a Library Privacy Policy
Statement: Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records
The Leatherby Libraries supports the California Public Records Act, Cal Gov't Code 6254, 6267 (Deering Supply 2001), in order to protect individual patron records and deny disclosure of patron information and records to other persons requesting this information, except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the proper federal, state, or local law authority. If the Leatherby Libraries is served with such a legal order or subpoena, the legal documents are to be presented to the University's Office of Legal Affairs for review and processing of the request.
Visit: Office of Legal Affairs on subpoenas.
Quiet Study Policy
The Chapman University Leatherby Libraries strives to provide an atmosphere that is welcoming to students, faculty, staff, and other library users that is conducive to both collaborative and quiet study. To support quiet study, the Leatherby Libraries provides designated quiet study areas at the south end of both the second and third floors. These are designated with signage.
Appropriate behavior is expected in all areas of the library. This includes quiet conversations, muted or ear-phoned audio players, and quiet group study.
Please be considerate of others when using a cell phone throughout the building. Please mute the ring tone, keep conversations short and your voice lowered. If you need to have an extended conversation, please go outside of the library to do so. Cell phone use is not permitted in library classrooms and in the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library.
It is the right and responsibility of all library users to enforce this quiet study policy. If you are uncomfortable doing so, you may report the issue to a library staff member at the nearest service desk. Library staff will contact Public Safety to escort library users out of the building when necessary.
Reciprocal Institutions (borrowing privileges)
UCI Borrowing Privileges for Chapman Faculty
- The University of California, Irvine extends borrowing privileges to Chapman University faculty.
- UCI does not extend borrowing privileges to Chapman students, staff, or administrators. There is no reciprocal borrowing agreement between UCI and Chapman University.
- In order to obtain borrowing privileges at UCI, Chapman faculty must:
- Present a Chapman University photo ID card. No other forms of identification are accepted.
- A letter indicating that the Chapman faculty applicant is teaching for the current semester. The letter must come from the Chapman faculty member's department, signed by either the department or division chair. The library does not provide a letter on behalf of the Chapman faculty applicant.
- There is no fee for the use of privileges.
- Once granted privileges, the Chapman faculty member is solely responsible, as an individual, for all items, fines, fees, and/or charges, etc.
- Chapman University and the Leatherby Libraries will not adjudicate disputes, negotiate settlements for losses or non-return of materials, nor be responsible for the return of any materials owned by the University of California, Irvine to any of their libraries.
Reference Services Policy
Leatherby Libraries has a priority to provide reference services to the Chapman University community, which includes students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, special guests, and community card holders. The general public is welcome to visit the library and has access to open stack collections, the library catalog, and general reference assistance in the library.
Reference librarians are available at the reference desk on the first floor of Leatherby Libraries during hours posted on the Library’s Web site. Reference librarians assist users by demonstrating how to find resources, both print and electronic. Reference librarians may recommend appropriate research resources or search strategies and techniques.
For in-depth research assistance, students, faculty, and staff may be directed to the Individual Research Consultation Request form.
Quick email questions from students, faculty, and staff can be answered through out Quick Reference Question Form.
Or telephone reference assistance can be obtained at: (714) 532-7714.
Please note that priority is given to in-person reference consultations and is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please contact Taylor Greene, Chair of Research and Instructional Services for additional information: tgreene@tuwabuki.com
Service Animals
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.
Pets providing emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship are not recognized as Service Animals and are not permitted in the library.
Service Dog Fraud is a Crime. California Penal Code 365.7 (a).Streaming Video
The Leatherby Libraries has access to many resources for streaming films, the two largest and most popular being Kanopy and Swank Digital Campus. Both provide access to a mixture of mainstream and educational films as well as documentaries on a wide variety of subjects.
Within Kanopy, access is currently unrestricted to films from four suppliers: The Criterion Collection, Kino Lorber, Psychotherapy.net, and The Great Courses. This list of unrestricted suppliers is subject to change depending on budgetary and other factors, but users may check which suppliers are unrestricted by looking at the entry for Kanopy in the Database A-Z list.
Within Swank, we have access to a collection of the top 1,000 of the most-requested films on the platform, a list of which is viewable here. This list is recalculated when we renew our subscription each June.
For both platforms, faculty may create accounts and request additional films from outside of the unrestricted suppliers (in Kanopy) or top 1,000 list (in Swank). Approved requests in Kanopy will then be available without an expiration date, but approved requests in Swank will need to be requested again on a yearly basis.
- To request films in Kanopy, faculty may create an account, go to http://www.kanopy.com/search, look up the film they are seeking, and fill out the request form on the film’s entry.
- To request films in Swank, faculty must create an instructor account, look up the film they areseeking, and fill out the request form on the film’s entry. Instructional videos are available here:
In order to serve the greatest number of faculty and courses at Chapman University, we must continue some limits to the number of films each faculty member can request each semester:
- Dodge faculty may request up to 5 films each semester.
- Non-Dodge faculty teaching a film-subject course may request 4 films each semester.
- All other faculty may request 2 films per semester.
This only applies to titles outside of the four unrestricted suppliers in Kanopy or the top 1,000 list in Swank. Faculty do not need to submit requests for films in either of those categories.
Exception: For faculty requesting additional films beyond this allowance, exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case-basis and will require the approval from the Dean of the faculty member's School or College and the approval of the Dean of the Leatherby Libraries.
This policy may be adjusted as necessary and all requests will be contingent on funding.
Please contact the Chair of Resources & Scholarly Communications, Kristin Laughtin-Dunker, at laughtin@tuwabuki.com with any questions.
Revised 06/02/2023
Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to adhere to the terms of the Chapman University Student Conduct Code with regard to all transactions and interactions with library staff as well as fellow students.
Violations of the Student Conduct Code will be reported to Public Safety and the Dean of Students.
Study Carrels and Table Use Policy
All study carrels, tables, and seating areas throughout the Leatherby Libraries are available to all patrons on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved. Please be considerate of others and do not leave your personal items unattended to secure a location for later use.
Technology Policy
Computer workstations in the Leatherby Libraries are for educational, informational, and research purposes only.
Computer use is restricted to Chapman University students, faculty, and staff.
Access to computers within the Leatherby Libraries is provided in support of the University’s mission: To provide a personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical and productive lives as global citizens.
Access to all information resources, including the online resources at the Leatherby Libraries, is a privilege and must be treated as such by all users of the system to protect the rights of the community. Use of these resources, including computer equipment and software, must be in a manner consistent with pertinent University policies, procedures, and codes of conduct, in addition to applicable federal, state, and local laws. View the University’s Acceptable Use Policy.
The following are deemed unacceptable uses of the equipment and/or software. These unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to:
- copying, modifying or deleting system facilities or files
- interfering with computer or network access
- interfering or tampering with any campus or library security settings
- using the resources for commercial purposes not related to University business
- accessing and participating in games not directly related to Chapman University curriculum.
- reproducing and/or distributing copyrighted materials unlawfully or any materials that have been provided on a subscription basis by agreement between Leatherby Libraries and electronic resource vendors
- violating any individual’s right to privacy
- using Leatherby Libraries equipment to harass another individual or group
Consequences of Misuse
Violation of the Leatherby Libraries’ Acceptable Use Policy may result in revocation of library privileges and/or any consequences listed in the University’s Acceptable Use Policy.
Tobacco Use, Smoking, and Use of e-cigarettes Policy
The Leatherby Libraries prohibits smoking, the use of e-cigarettes, and the use of any tobacco products inside the library.
In accordance with the University directive of a smoke free campus, effective February 1, 2016, all use of tobacco products must be done off campus grounds.