They say that what you put in is what you GET out. As a community of scholars, the Honors Program provides students with educational and advancement opportunities, new and fun ways to learn, and the chance to form meaningful relationships. Check out our top four reasons to join the honors program.

University Honors Program
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Get Involved
Honors isn't just about taking's about becoming part of a community of scholars!
- Follow us on Instagram (@chapmanhonors) for up-to-the-minute happenings.
- Make submissions to the Honors Sapere Aude Journal.
- Learn more about the National Collegiate Honors Council and the Western Regional Honors Council, where you can present research and projects at national and regional conferences.
Get a New Perspective
- Travel the globe. Any course taken while studying abroad for a semester can count as 1 of the honors elective courses. There are quite a variety of semester-long study abroad opportunities. In addition, the university offers short travel courses, which are 1- to 4-week courses taught by Chapman faculty in cities and countries all over the world. Interning abroad also is possible.
- Interested in designing and conducting your own class as a preceptorial? With Honors, it's possible.
Get Priority Registration
- To be eligible for priority registration by class Honors students must have either fulfilled all Honors requirements (with the exception of Honors Capstone) or completed at least two Honors courses during the prior academic year. Honors students in their first year who have matriculated are eligible for priority registration if they are enrolled in or have completed at least one Honors course.
Get a Jumpstart on Grad School Competition
- Take advantage of Honors Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Grants. Honors students can team up with a professor to collaborate on a project – scholarly or creative.
- Visit Chapman's Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (OURCA) to find opportunities for student-faculty collaboration projects and to attend workshops to prepare for presenting research at conferences.
- Find an outlet for your creativity in the Undergraduate Journals and Conference Directory or from the Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Browse the list of fellowships and scholarships available by application.
- Learn how to write an abstract for a conference presentation or poster.