»Required Documentation

Students desiring academic support services for disabilities are required to submit documentation to verify eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All assessment reports will be kept confidential at Disability Services in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the professional and ethical standards of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). The following guidelines are provided to insure that reports are sufficient and appropriate to verify eligibility.

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General Guidelines

Documentation on file should:

  1. Be current, within the last 5 years for Learning Disabilities is recommended, last 6 months for psychiatric disabilities, or last 3 years for all other disabilities (does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  2. State clearly the diagnosed disability (including a DSM-IV code where appropriate)
  3. Describe the functional limitations resulting from the disability. 
  4. Include complete educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability for which testing accommodations are being requested
  5. Include a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation report and relevant subtest scores used to document the stated disability (does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  6. Describe the specific accommodations requested and detailed explanation of why each accommodation is recommended;
  7. List relevant medications. Does medication substantially limit college-level academic pursuits?  If yes, how substantial is the limitation?  Does the individual experience any side effects from the medication in such a way as to negatively affect his or her ability to study and or learn?
  8. BE TYPED OR PRINTED ON OFFICIAL LETTERHEAD and be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (include information about license or certification, background and area of specialization)
  9. Prescription pad notes will not be accepted

Recommended Test for Learning Disabilities


  • Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)
  • Woodcock-Johnson WJ-III – Cognitive Battery – Standard and Supplemental if needed


  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
  • Woodcock-Johnson WJ-III (Achievement Test) Standard and Supplemental if needed
  1. Additional Achievement Tests
    1. Current levels of functioning in reading, mathematics, and written language are required.
    2. Specific Diagnostic Mathematics Tests
    3. Tests of Academic Skills (TASK)
    4. Tests of Written Language -2 (TOWL-2)
    5. Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised
    6. Phonological and/or orthographical assessments for foreign language difficulties
  2. Information Processing
    1. Assessment of long and short term memory, auditory discrimination and perception, visual perception, spatial orientation and relations, fluid reasoning, and processing speed must be included in the testing.  Use of subtests from the WAIS III or WJ III is acceptable.

Recommended Tests for Attention Deficit Disorder

  1. Test score, sub-scores and normal measure of intra-individual patterns and intra-individual discrepancies, if any.
  2. TOVA
  3. Conner’s Continuous Performance Test
  4. Attention Deficit Scale for Adults (ADSA)

Priority Registration

Request for Priority Registration Procedure[1]

A student with a documented disability on file with Disability Services (DS) may request, in writing, priority registration if their disability requires specific accommodations related to the scheduling of their classes.  Priority registration as an accommodation is not given unless the University determines that the request is reasonable and no other suitable methods are available to ensure equal access to the learning environment.

Students who may qualify for Priority Registration typically include, but are not limited to:

  • Students whose disability imposes classroom access constraints due to mobility, speed, stamina, and/or endurance across setting or time of day.
  • Students with significant or chronic medical conditions, or those following a strict medication or treatment regimen impacting their ability to attend classes at certain times of day.
  • Students who frequently arrange for on and off-campus service providers (e.g. personal care assistants, outpatient treatment programs, ).
  • Students who use services or accommodations that require significant planning and action steps on the part of DS (i.e. Alternative Text, Classroom Scheduling, Interpreters, CART, accessible classroom furniture, etc.)

Please provide specific information regarding how your request for priority registration meets one or more of the conditions listed above, and therefore is eligible for priority registration and email Disability Services.

Requests must be made no later than two weeks before registration starts. Requests must be made in writing, via email, or other appropriate format.

Important notes

  • Students approved for Priority Registration must still meet all University, College and Departmental policies and requirements. Students should check their records and address any academic holds and permission-to-register actions (i.e. required advising meetings, etc.) prior to their registration date.
  • Priority registration does not exempt students from meeting pre-requisite or class-standing requirements for courses. Further, it does not grant access to restricted or closed courses or sections.
  • Priority Registration does not guarantee availability of classes or provision of courses/sections at specific times.


[1] This process is based on the process outlined by USC at http://dsp.usc.edu/accommodations/priority-registration/